“Governments are instituted among Men, and derive their just power from the consent of the governed.” The idea did not originate in that document, but has been found in writings going back over eight hundred years and was repeated by thinkers and political philosophers who inspired the founders of our Republic. If the phrase isn’t …
Monthly Archives: March 2022
Patent Elastic Ankle Boot
Patent Elastic Ankle Boot In the 1830s an English shoemaker named J. Sparkes-Hall was trying to develop a slip-on boot that didn’t require lacing or buckles, and was short enough that a person could easily put them on and take them off without assistance. He tried several different methods to mixed or poor results, but …
The Failure Of Dictatorship
We are seeing the manifestation of the problem of anti-democratic government. The idea that Russia is a democracy is laughable. It exists in a notional concept only, with anyone mounting even the slightest threat to Putin’s monopoly on power being arrested, banned from running, or killed outright. What followed Stalin’s consolidation of power, and Hitler’s, …