Election 2022

The Presidency of Donald Trump was terrible for our country. We came within an eyelash of losing the Republic to an authoritarian cult leader, who went out the door trying to overthrow the country – an effort that he continues today.

Frequently Trump failed to execute the duties of his job and the oath to the Constitution. Twice he was Impeached by the House of Representatives, an unprecedented record that will follow him through history. Today, he is under investigation in several criminal and civil cases in several places in the country. His company is currently in court defending against charges of fraud.

Since regaining control of the House of Representatives in 2018, and the Presidency and Senate in 2020, the Democratic Caucus in Washington has worked tirelessly to pass laws to help the people. In spite of a narrow majority in the House and a split Senate needing tie-breaking votes, they have managed to pass numerous important bills to help move the country forward. They include:

The Inflation Reduction Act – Health care and climate, including lowering prescription drug prices and addressing climate change. It also will reduce the deficit by $300B through a minimum tax on billion dollar corporations and a 1% tax on stock buybacks.

The American Rescue Plan Act – Direct aid to Americans suffering from the effects of the pandemic, along with numerous government sponsored programs to help, including help finding health care, food subsidies, rental assistance, small business assistance, and others. It also increased earned income and child tax credits, and made millions more people eligible for ACA coverage. This probably moved more people out of poverty than anything in recent memory.

The CHIPs Act – Investing in America by making silicon chips here in America to reduce our dependency in China.

The Pact Act – Expands VA coverage to service personnel exposed to burn pits in combat.

*The Safer Communities Act – The first legislation to address firearm deaths in decades, which includes mental health action, school safety, gun safety, and red flag laws.

Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act – A once in a generation investment in American infrastructure and competitiveness. This goes way beyond roads and bridges, and will move the country forward like nothing before.

And so much of these actions will create good, high-paying careers and union jobs. It is clear that it is the Democratic party who supports American labor.

There are more accomplishments, but this is enough. These are all things we’ve needed to do but couldn’t get done because of D.C. gridlock.

The Democrats have more plans to help the people going forward.

What about the Republicans?
Apart from largely opposing all (Except *) of the legislation above, including the PACT Act!, they have promised nothing but political retribution for attempts to stop a criminal President. And, for the most part, continued support for the insurrection that tried to overturn the will of the people and end our Republic.
And they promise to continue the culture war they started by pandering to the lowest common denominator of hate for immigrants, women, LBGTQ and anyone different.

And they promise to continue their assault against those they call “woke.”

For all practical purposes, the GOP is now the MAGA party. They shouldn’t even be called Republicans. They are (with some few exceptions) in awe of fascistic leaders and global strongmen. While some are decent people who were merely too cowardly to stand up to the fascists, most are actively for it. Winning power to keep it.

Please folks. Please. This isn’t hard. One party is working to make things better for all Americans, while the other has selected a group of “real” Americans who get privileged treatment.

Should Republicans regain power they have promised to spend their time and legislative energy seeking revenge on political enemies. They have promised to Impeach Joe Biden (apparently for the crime of being elected by the majority), and stripping the federal government of power. This means eliminating departments like the Department of Education, Department of Energy, and the Social Security Administration. Yes, the Republican platform of 2022 calls for requiring renewel votes on Social Security and Medicare every five years. This has been a conservative ambition for decades. They want to privatize Social Security and Medicare, and force people to seek this services in the private sector. This means insurance companies can gate keep funding medical needs, and turning the lifeline that Social Security is to tens of millions of Americans over to Wall Street, so they can steal it.

After 50 years of yelling that abortion is a right that should be left up to the states, Republicans have offered a bill that would ban abortions throughout the country after fifteen weeks.

They’re coming for control over our bodies, control over our gender, control over whom we can marry, and the end of majority rule in America.

One party wants to earn your votes again, while the other wants to make your vote superfluous.

This is serious stuff folks, and not the time for chasing ideals, or voting because gas prices are too high.

Vote for Democrats in every race.